Bonnyhill Joiners

Project Details

When Bonnyhill Joiners Limited decided it was time to move on from internal bag extractors that are inefficient and take up valuable workshop space and production time in comparison with a centralised externally located extraction system designed specifically for their requirements. Bonnyhill Joiners entrusted the Indusvent Scotland team based at Grangemouth to deliver a system that could fit into the limited footprint and provide quality extraction to their 10 workshop machines. This customer had a total air volume requirement of 18,000 m3/hour but only space for a filter that could handle 12,000 m3/hour, so we incorporated a system that allows them to run any one of the two lines at any time whilst providing adequate dust control.  

This is a common challenge in a joinery workshop where they often have more machine capacity than operators. We installed our E3-LS filter unit with a JK40D-18.5kW centrifugal extraction fan. This was installed and commissioned within 10 days, the customer is very happy with their new investment enabling them to increase productivity in a much improved workplace environment.

Main Suction Lines:                            2    

Main Fan Motor:                               18.5kW

Operation:                                         Single Shift

If you would like to know about this system or any others Indusvent offer, then visit our website email: or call 0333 9967 333